Nobody is proud of England because there is no longer anything to be proud about.
This country used to thrive on local businesses supporting the local people who have grown up here, this includes fruit and vegetables stools, butchers etc. Now these are being replaced by corner shops and butchers where the meat is Halal and there is no other choice, even chain restaurants such as Subway/KFC this is the case. England is not and will not ever be a Muslim country so why are we living as if it is. Sadly, if we refuse to live like this and actually decide to speak up about it we are automatically called racist.
This is also the case with the police, MP's, and people with other job titles who are supposed to have authority. I saw a video online of 30/40 Muslim men attacking 2 Englishmen on Brick Lane approximately 2 weeks ago, when this was released into the Daily Mail there was no record of the attackers nationalities, whereas if they were the ones being attacked then it would be a completely different story. Why are we so afraid to stand up against this religion which preaches hate and causes a strain upon our country?
Were allowing them to build mosque after mosque with no real idea what is going on beneath those doors, these are great places for Jihadists to radicalise young Muslims and we are allowing them to do so. A Muslim prisoner was taken to one of these mosques in Acton, West London to pray (note: this man was a known terrorist) and the guards were forced to leave him to pray on his own, by the time the guards knew it this man had put on a Burka and walked free. How is this happening?
How people are still oblivious to the fact that Islamic Jihadists are slowly but surely ruining this planet is beyond me. They are in this country, they are ready to attack us, and by then it will be too late. For every minute we sit back and do nothing about this is a minute wasted. As I previously said, I am 21 years of age, and if I can see it why can't everybody else?
Welcome to the new world kid. What you're watching is the end of a civilisation that was dominated by the English speaking world, and as every previous civilisation has done they've turned inward upon themselves and are pressing the self destruct button.
ReplyDeletePerhaps there's fifty years left before our new masters take over - whoever they maybe - However, I suspect that we've less time than that to remember our gifts to humanity..
Currently others around the planet are posturing and demanding that they oversee our planet next, whether that be the globalists of big business, or the religion of peace. All out to enslave us, to their ways and demands.
Don't get mad about it. Stay away from the authorities, especially the police and educate yourself, as knowledge is power, especially for the coming age.